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Cows on a bus?

Once a month, Apollo’s Chariots teams up with Chick-Fil-A Orlando and the Univision station to host a birthday party for one lucky winner!  The winners are chosen by submissions through Univision’s website and the winner is announced on air.  The winner receives a birthday party pack for up to 20 people, that includes catering by Chick-Fil-A and guest appearances by the herd of cows.  Salsa 98.1 is there to dj live music and help celebrate this special birthday party winner.  To enter for your chance to win please visit http://woobox.com/kab7xp.

One of Apollo’s Chariots most unique vehicles is their herd of cows mobile Chick-Fil-A changing room bus.  Normal employees enter the bus, but when they exit, they are transformed into Chick-Fil-A cow mascots ready to bring joy to the birthday child.  It seems the parents and adults enjoy interacting with the herd of cows as much as the children do.  We’ve seen them participate in duck duck goose, cornhole, pinatas and musical chairs.  They aren’t quite as nimble and quick as their 4 and 5 year old competition, but everyone has a great time.

The bus itself turns heads on the way to the party.  The design has multiple cows in the windows with the appearance that they are sitting in the bus looking out the windows holding various signs to people passing by.  The driver’s are constantly being honked out as other drivers show their love of Chick-Fil-A and their famous chicken sandwiches.

This monthly event is the perfect combination of Salsa music, Chick-Fil-A catered food, the herd of cows for the entertainment and of course Apollo’s Chariots to get everyone safely to and from the party in the big red cow bus.  Don’t forget to register for your chance to win and be a part of this very unique birthday party experience.